Inside Design Orlando reaches new heights welcoming new followers!

Oct 11, 2016

Fall savings on website re-designOctober is proving to be a great month for Inside Design Orlando.  Our clients are looking for new and more updated sites and our design team is very busy.  Congratulations to Derrow Dermatology on their new site just launched recently.  Their new site is mobile friendly and ready to welcome patients, both old and new with holiday savings.
We are also welcoming back New Source Corp to the fold and are working hard on his brand new Word Press platform.which will offer Jamie and his team more functionality and more flexibility for them to manage their own content flow.  His new re-design will be revealed within the next month.
Several team members are working on Digestive Disease Consultants to re-design their site for the holidays. Our readership is growing and we are experiencing an uptick this fall in our target audience. We appreciate all of our followers and offer seasonal savings for all new clients. Book your new re-design for the holidays. Current and new clients will enjoy a savings on any design package.

New Bloggers:

We are welcoming two new bloggers to our family of writers.  Neal Grant and Michele are both booking clients for future article writing and to represent our new clients.  Contact our office to learn more about the blogging team and their credentials.  We will provide availability for those clients looking for blogging professionals.

Orlando Web Design News: Promoting your blog post to attract a larger audience:

Marketing websitesPromoting your blog post is crucial in developing a healthy readership. The web is already full of content, from all sources. Yours must stand out from the rest.. Your content must be worthy of a great rank. Since search engines are not people, they are only software, they are scanning to find new and interesting content. What you write must be your own thoughts and not gleaned from another source. This will help to make your content more valuable and your chance of a higher rank will result.
Content is kingTo grow a following, your content must be worth reading and offer news and views that are trending real-time. Finding out what is happening in the world as it related to your product or service is what search engines are scanning for.  Offering this up to date news will help readers to want to become a part of your brand awareness and make them more likely to become a follower.
Because you are competing with millions of other blog articles, the following guidelines are necessary:
  • Every line of your content should be original thought.
  • Write about trending news copy and interesting jargon
  • Never, copy from another source to be sure you are not plagiarizing.
  • Spellcheck your writing and be creative
  • Strive for perfect grammar.
  • Hire a professional blogger (if your budget allows)
  • Hire a proofreader

Important thoughts from our team of professionals:

Happy HalloweenWe hope you will all enjoy a safe and happy Halloween ahead.  Our thoughts and prayers are with the American people as they go to the polls next month. The vote this time is very important and will affect our future for years to come.  Enjoy the season and hurry back for more from the design wizards at Inside Design Orlando.
Jean Holland-Rose
Chief Creative Officer & SEO Professional


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