Finding New Topics for Blogging in 2013

Jan 28, 2013

Topic For WritingComing up with great topics for blog entries:

Brainstorming and coming up with new blogging topics can be one of the most daunting tasks for clients.  If they choose to be their own writer and blogger, this requires new ideas for fresh content at least once a week to gain any following.  It is not good enough any longer to find articles or information on the web and just plug it into the blog area.  We’ll discuss later in this blog how to be creative and to find new topics of interest.  If you are unable to hire a professional writer, you will need to develop your own SEO skills.

Is it ok to purchase blog content?

No …Search engines in 2013 are smart enough to know if your blog content is not original and are able to follow the word strings back to the original source of the content.  If you have been lazy and simply copied and pasted material from another source you could be in big trouble.  Search engines can easily detect this and you will be banned from data bases.  Another practice that was used in the past was to purchase content written by what we call “ghost writers”  from websites selling content.  This is no longer allowed.  Professional bloggers can almost name their prices since the Google Search Tool has changed its method for ranking sites.  Writing original content is the safest way to post material on your site and into the blog area.

Where Would Your Content Show Up?

In 2013, everything depends upon where your new content shows up in search engines.  If you have no relevant and fresh content, and you are not using the phrasing that folks are using to “search” your site and your content will not be found in the search.  This explains why key words used in the phrasing and in your title have so much value.
Longtail keywords (or several keywords strung together in a phrase) is what the search engines are seeking.  They are no longer interested in individual keywords.  Some search engines are still looking at descriptions however, and when we design new sites we do cover all bases.  Since the web method is so fluid it has been a good idea for us to include all meta tags to cover the fact that they may change back to the old method.  If they do, our websites are ready for the change.  We also make sure there are individual page descriptions throughout the site.  Meta Tag implementation should still be a part of the design but should not be relied upon for SEO success.  Blogging weekly and adding new page content at least once a year is the method we are suggesting to our clients based upon the current search methods being used by search engine spiders.

What Are Other Methods To Come Up With Great Topics?

Your public library and books offer a huge amount of research material you can consider.  Use this tool to create original text. Signing up with magazines that offer news articles reporting on new discoveries in your industry is another way to stay current with up to the minute news and views.  Above all please remember that the internet was created as a tool for those searching for information (not for running or promoting your business).  The more current and relevant the information you provide as you blog and as you re-write your static website pages, , the more chances you have for SEO success.

What Will Really Work?

Create 52 great blog posts each year and you’ll have 52 chances for being found and being considered in the hunt for goods and services. Develop your site to become an authority on the subject of your expertise.  This is the best method in 2013 to become one of the leaders.  If you become a leader in your industry offering the most current content, you will not need to worry about where you are listed… no matter what viewers search for, they will find you and your product and service.  Once they locate your webite, the rest is history.
Have a great week ahead and thank you for stopping by.
Article by:  Jean Holland-Rose
Chief Creative Officer and Marketing Strategist


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