Orlando Webs Design Discusses Marketing Strategy and Giveaways

Dec 6, 2011

Thanks to the internet, we are continually being showered with new gidgets, gadgets and marketing gimics all designed to “reach our target audience.” With all of this new technology so readily available, you would think that building your return on investment (ROI) and signing up new clients would be easy. Unfortunately, this doesn’t seem to be the case.  Each of us must compete for new business out there in this challenging economy. Clients are now more than ever before, looking for “great deals” and giveaways.  Saving a few dollars at this time in our history is paramount for most families and businesses alike.
Software is now readily available such as Constant Contact, and Campaign Monitor, etc. which allows small businesses to develop a data base of emails for potential clients through their websites.  This contact information can be used to advertise services, products and specials available. Once a data base is developed, you may wish to offer a free giveaway to your subscribers. This method is highly regarded as one of the top ways to improve your relationshop with current clients and develop new clients as well.
A quarterly newsletter is a great tool in keeping your product or service in front of your target audience.   Offering a free giveaway provides clients with an easy way to become familiar with your company and build a future relationship.  You will set yourself apart from many competitors in your same field.  Holiday giveaways tend to be the most popular and most well received.
One caution as you go forward with regular announcements or newsletters. Be courteous to your clients by not sending too many offers. You can become a nuisance by blasting their email constantly with product offers. Choose a time frame that is reasonable for your product presentation. Most website owners find they get the best bang for their buck by providing a holiday or quarterly newsletter when offering giveaways and other special savings. Holiday announcements are not so intrusive in their everyday lives.
Trust that a small gift  (a free givaway) from you will result in future work and future referrals. All of us appreciate a small gift or courtesy offered, even those current clients who so often are forgotten.  New clients of course are wonderful but those clients who trusted us in the past are the real diamonds in our jewelry box.  Protect their trust and reap the great rewards you’ll receive in the future.


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