Email marketing and social media: Does it really pay off ?

Jul 1, 2013

Email MarketingWhen we discuss email marketing we’re normally talking “email newsletters.” This is a colossal part of our marketing campaign. Our clients expect to hear from us on a regular basis and they also are looking for new functionality for their websites, and waiting to take advantage of any savings offered.

Creating the newsletter yourself versus hiring a professional:

We provide visibility to our customers through email newsletters several times per year and never forget a holiday to say hello, to thank them for their business and to say “happy holidays”. It is important to us to provide a pleasing and professional newsletter presentation. Professional template design will bring attention in a superior way to your viewers. Keep in mind that they may be receiving hundreds of offers of all kinds. When you create your email campaign, keep it simple, create a tempting and beautiful newsletter, easy to read and understand and include an offer that benefits all of your readership.

Your competition and having some marketing skin in the game:

Your newsletter will be competing with others in your specific industry. To be competitive, your email newsletter must look professional and be well-written. Newsletter template designs are many and the choice you make matters. Choose one that fits your expertise to a tee. You may want to consider a professional newsletter technician to design your newsletter instead of taking this on yourself. We offer a list of professionals to help you with this task. Call us to learn more.

How regular communication works for you and your clients:

Our company sends regular newsletters, inviting our visitors and clients to special events. Our client workshops on SEO and branding are always well received. Offering continuing education opportunities for our clients works wonders to keep their business. This is an advantage for our clients and a feather in our hat as well. We also offer price saving coupons to take advantage of new bells and whistles available for websites. This gives our customers an incentive to purchase more, while at the same time improving the functionality of their current sites.
Social Media ConnectionSocial media which includes Facebook, Twitter and other social media account content will add to your overall community connection.  We do strongly advise you to keep each social media account current with fresh content for best results.  We update our social media accounts as we send our email newsletters to clients.  Everything is important for your online community connection. Stay current and stay in touch with clients as well as potential customers.  Friends and family also refer your services so include them in your email marketing efforts.

Rule of thumb: What’s in it for them?

As a small business, you will want to stay in front of your customers by offering new services, announcing a special event and providing customer benefits worthy of their attention. Creating a newsletter just to make an announcement or write something creative is not what patrons are looking for. They want to save money and they want to know how they can benefit.
All email marketing efforts pay off in 2013 with our challenging SEO climate. Staying in front of your customers (having constant contact) by creating beautiful email newsletter campaigns and offering savings and useful information to customers and visitors is sure to keep them involved.
Happy July 4th 2013We wish you a happy July 4th holiday.  Stay safe, enjoy the holiday and hurry back for more.
Article by:  Jean Holland-Rose, SEO
(Inside Design Orlando)


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