Orlando Website Design discusses:  Indexed domain name age and SEO facts

Sep 14, 2019

Today, Orlando Website Design is discussing indexed domain name age and other SEO facts.  Search Engine Optimization and domain name facts.  These strategies will drive your website to the top pages of the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).   It goes without saying, that every website should be designed well, offering a great viewing experience.  However, the right SEO strategy and choosing the perfect domain name will work together to boost your competitive edge. 

There are many gorgeous websites that are not listed highly on Google.  However, we can’t help but notice that those sites that have been online longer, are well optimized for search engines and have a better domain name are still the determining factors for a high listing.

The fact is that newer sites are just not as trusted by Google and major search engines.    Even the first domain name ever registered is still around.  This shows us all how important it is to choose a domain name carefully.

Elements considered for top listings:

  • Indexed age of the site
  • Domain name value
  • Blogging and SEO

How long does it take to index a site?

It could take as little as one week for search engines to index a new site.  Indexing a new site is the process of downloading data from webpages and storing it into databases by search engines.  It could take as long as six months to be crawked by Google.  There are many factors which work in tandem to determine this process.  How popular the site is based upon content (product or services offered) contributes to the indexing process.  If the site structure is well-developed and the design and programming is efficient, this counts as well.  It is also a good idea to add new content consistently and build relevant links to the site (reciprocal links are valued higher).

It is easy to become frustrated waiting for your site to start producing traffic.  But the longer you are online the more chance you have of being picked up by major search engines. Many site owners become impatient, only to learn later on that the site just needed time to be indexed.  Many websites stay online for only a short period of time (less than six months).  They go out of business quickly if they do not succeed in attracting business  This may be a huge factor in Google choosing to index older sites which are tested and are producing real results.  

The value of a great domain name system:

A great domain name adds credibility to your business.  There are companies online that choose long and complex domain names which none of us can understand or relate to.  The domain you choose should be relevant to your genre.
It is also helpful to choose a catchy name which can be easily remembered.  A domain name can build brand awareness and will be your calling card for all visitors and those searching online. Some folks actually bookmark your domain name in their browser and share it with others if it is memorable.  Purchasing a strong domain name, in the beginning, will boost your chances for business success, it could be a “game-changer”.
As you look for an appropriate, marketing-friendly domain name, don’t be discouraged if you find the obvious choices may be registered already by another business.   Further, we do not encourage you to attempt to purchase a domain taken by someone else if the person selling the domain name is asking for crazy amounts of money.

Domain name scams:

It has become a huge scam for some unscrupulous actors so beware and stay away from trying to deal with these people.  Instead, we suggest you find something appropriate that is available.  If you locate a domain name seller who is reasonable and will sell the domain at a reasonable price.  They might also suggest other domain names that would work for your business.  Our SEO technician at Orlando Website Design is available to help you locate a perfect domain name for your new company.  Contact us by calling 407-405-4877 and ask for “Jean.”  She will help you choose a domain name which will work for you well into the future.

Domain name & site optimization:

When your domain name is chosen correctly and you keep your site optimized, Google will know they can generate traffic by listing your site.  In the past ten years, none of us would have imagined that online shopping would drive over 51 percent of the business in the USA.  Furthermore, it is predicted that this number will increase in the future. Those companies with a great domain name and those that know how to optimize their site consistently will have the largest share of the online business.

The importance of blog consistency:

Along with choosing a good domain name and having a great looking site, you must add new blog content regularly.  This will work on a continuing basis to improve your SEO.   Adding thin content which has no value will not improve your site.  Blogging consistently will help you rank as long as the content you add is useful.  Even a short blog post must have value and provide trending information.  Those that read the content must feel they are receiving a benefit from the copy.
Most competitive searches find longer posts first so we would suggest you set a goal of up to 1,000 words on each new post.  The consistency of how often you post is also weighed heavily by search engines. We add new content on the blog page of our site at least twice and sometimes three times per month.  We also add new projects completed to our portfolio page regularly and change up the page content on a semi-annual basis.

Thin website content and what it means for blogging:

Thin content refers to blog copy which has no value.  You must use a specific SEO blogging strategy to target the right group of consumers.  Even a short post must have value and provide trending information which is useful.  Keep this in mind as you develop your blog article.
Those that read the content must feel they are receiving a benefit.  Most competitive searches find longer posts first so we would suggest you set a goal of up to 1,000 words on each new post.  The consistency of how often you post is also weighed heavily by search engines. We add new content on the blog page of our site at least twice and sometimes three times per month.  We also add new projects completed to our portfolio page regularly and change up the page content on a semi-annual basis.
If you have someone on your team that has time to commit to this schedule, it will pay off.  You could also consider a “guest’ blogger occasionally for a new perspective and a new voice.  But consistency is the key if you want to keep a higher level in the SERPs.  You could also hire an outside SEO technician to follow this schedule.  Professional bloggers are independent contractors and each of them has their own payment schedule.  We have a list of available bloggers if you call our office.

Orlando Website Design News:

Congratulations to Schick Roofing and the team here in Orlando.  We just launched their brand new user-friendly, modern website.  It has been re-designed to attract today’s savvy users.  The new bells and whistles show up on the mobile view, the computer view and the tablet view as well.
More and more of our clients are asking for modern smart technology as we develop new sites.  Older sites just don’t stack up to the newer, versions of today.  Using mobile-first methods allow our visitors to shop online easily and buy quickly.  Take a look at Orlando Roofing Pros and their “big reveal.”
Contact us for your next web design project.  We are offering fall specials to suit any budget.
Thanks for stopping by today.  Stay tuned for all things Web Design and Programming by the Design Wizards at Inside Design Orlando.
Staff Writer.


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