Recognizing bad web design structure

Dec 16, 2012

Website structureBadly designed website structure is everywhere on the web.

  • Are you frequently appalled at sites thrown together, colors so loud you need sunglasses to browse the site?
  • Have you found broken links, irritating music, outdated graphics, and bad navigation ?
  • Have you noticed that some sites are over ten (10) years old and have not been updated?

It is our goal at Inside Design Orlando, to offer affordable re-design packages in the new year. We hear over and over again how important the first impression is and it is surprising that some businesses keep these badly designed websites.  Some are new and some are older sites, but all defeat the purpose for which the site was intended, to be user friendly and informative.  No more is it just ok to allow the site to look outdated, or to be designed so badly it will drive viewers away.  All of these sites are in desperate need of updating and/or re-designing.  They need the advantage of new tachnology, new functionality and more up to date SEO (search engine optimization) techniques.

The Importance of Design and Programming Talent

Color 101 should be a basic course for beginning designers. But alas, we are seeing more and more “techies” or site developers who either never attended that class, or feel this talent is of no importance. That’s where we come in. Every Orlando Website Design should have a pretty face as well as great functionality. SEO and Marketing the website is also a top consideration. The full package is what you should ask for and it is what you should expect as you pay for a re-design.
It is great to be talented enough to take on both design and programming. Unfortunately, it is very rare to find an individual with both of those talents. This is why we hire programmers to “program” and graphic artists for projects needing layout, logos, and anything related to branding and art.  Each project we take on will be created using the talents of both a graphic designer as well as a programmer for best results.
The tools of the trade such as different software used for design can be purchased. However, to use the tools correctly, web artists (known as graphic designers) develop their talent either in school or by having years of experience in this art form.

Moving Forward with New Design Technology

This year we are concentrating on stamping out bad web design by educating our viewers on the advantages of up to date methods of design and technology … the best of both worlds is website nirvana ….  It is easy to recognize bad design…. let’s focus on bringing about great design structure for 2013.”  Contact the Design Wizards to discuss a new re-design for the new year.
1) Strive to improve your image. Concentrate on strong branding and marketing techniques.
2) Good design is the first line of defense for providing a great web experience to visitors.
3) For online success, your site should perform quickly by featuring user friendly navigation.
4) Incorporate responsive design strategy to offer better site usability for mobile viewers.
Christmas Savings from the Design Wizards
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Article:  Jean Holland-Rose
Chief Creative Officer


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