Marketing your website requires you to include important SEO details. This includes marketing your site using social media, networking, link building and blogging for success.
Social media is everywhere and this seems to be the trend these days. Most website owners add at least one or more social platforms to their sites to enhance SEO. Other options include networking, blogging and building relevant linking partners. Search engine spiders (bots) follow all links on the website and this includes social media. Because of this we would caution you to keep the content on all social media accounts current. This will insure you receive the best SEO grade.
Facebook Relevance:
Setting up a company Facebook page is very helpful since millions of us use Facebook regularly and many users will likely find your company Facebook page as they search the web. If you have a personal Facebook page now, we suggest that you create a separate company Facebook page to better represent your brand. Having this will allow you to have one-on-one conversations with your customers, responding to their specific needs. Those that find the page can also “like” your page, and this promotes your business to a larger target audience. We encourage you to keep your company Facebook content professional at all times.
Unlike a personal Facebook page, where you post family photos and trivia, your company Facebook account is the window to your business, and an actual introduction representing your brand. Keep personal information off the company Facebook page and follow professional guidelines as you choose content. Post only content helpful to those who find your page.
Many of us feel that one of the most powerful resources online is “LinkedIn.” To make yourself and your company available to a larger user market, LinkedIn is the best choice for many. You can easily develop leads, post job openings, and ask for customer recommendations. All of this will elevate your company to a new level using this great marketing tool. As we mentioned above, the most important detail should you develop your linkedin account is to keep it current and post only professional information. Likewise, “Twitter” and “Pintrest” are also popular choices for social media and should be considered as you choose the social media platforms, perfect for your specific situation.
Blogging Importance:
Because there are many new sites being launched everyday and the competition for ranking is fierce, blogging continues to be the top choice for website owners, looking to attract new customers. If your website does not include a blog (it is time to add one). As web designers and programmers, we add blog pages to all new websites to cover this important detail. Nothing can elevate your SEO ranking quicker than developing and posting a great article of interest. Blogging is designed to attract your own individual target audience and to provide education as it relates to your expertise. Each time you post a new article on your blog page, it is equivalent to adding a new page to the site. More pages create more interest by search engines and those looking for your product and/or service.
Link building & Networking:
Adding relevant links to your site will add points to your overall SEO rank. Networking with those users who visit the site will add another level of value which is useful as well. Using all of the social media tools mentioned here will bring success as you develop your online presence. Connecting with other users will develop over time. Be patient, diligent and consistent in keeping all social media links and blogging efforts current and worth reading by those that find you online.
Hurry back for more next time.
by Paul Rose