Search Engines look for fresh, accurate blog content (part two)

Apr 12, 2015

When your business website depends upon blogging consistency, stay clear of content not well researched. Online content may or may not be truthful. Something you may have overheard or know to be a rumor will not increase your search engine ranking and will in the long run slow your progress to a halt. You also stand the chance of setting yourself up to have the reputation for being an untrustworthy brand. Determining the difference between fact and fiction requires this research. Two expert resources that we refer are Site Pro News and Hub Spot.

Never post provocative, sensationalism and inaccurate blog content:

truthfulness and bloggingCross-reference all content as you are building online influence. Backing up your claims with legitimate information found on other well-known resources will serve you well. Linking back to these resources help to raise your content to a more truthful level. Bloggers can be held liable for what they publish online as reported by Small Business, Fox News.  Better to be safe than sorry and research content for truthfulness. Any writing inaccuracies could come back to bite later.

Use others to check your work for inaccuracies:

No surprise, and we have all learned that more than one pair of eyes will usually find something we missed. I need the extra help on any writing project to get it right.  Most of us (if we would admit it) are busy producing great content, and not focused on the grammatical elements. Anything worthwhile takes time and having others review your work (in my humble opinion) is necessary to publish great articles. This constant effort can become daunting for busy site owners. If you determine after blogging for a while that you just don’t have the time or talent required to produce excellent content, consistently, it is time to hire an outside professional. No need to waste your valuable time which could be spent in a more productive way. Save the stress and relax, knowing your site is in good hands.

The value of professional content writers and guest bloggers:

Readers are always looking for terminology which is friendly, truthful and written in a thought-provoking manner. Adding a new perspective is always a great move, and professional content writers work hard to spread your brand awareness, by using their own unique writing style. Their interesting articles entice readers to become followers and stay connected. Using a professional is a proven method to elevate your site to a new level of authority. Another method to consider is to bring on a “guest blogger” occasionally. This too will help to raise your credibility as an expert in your field. Guest bloggers may expound on a subject or re-write topics already discussed. Using this talent to sell your ideas and provide proof of your industry expertise pays off by driving your niche audience to your website, and increasing your ROI (return on investment) and conversion rate.

Stay honest and offer a helping hand occasionally:

As you develop your website, attract paying customers and grow forward, stay honest in all of your dealings with the public. Any false advertising, any attempting to trick or game the viewing audience with false claims will soon be found out and will stop you from becoming the online force you envision.  If your company makes a mistake or has a problem satisfying a customer, own it and fix it. Go out of your way to offer top customer service and never promise anything you cannot deliver. Right fighters never win in this business.  Sometimes it takes a hero.  I strongly believe in perpetuating good karma forward. Be the hero in your company by reaching out to help your customer experience the result he or she is expecting. In turn, they will refer you in the future. This is a “win win” for all.
My idea of motivation (this picture says it all).
be happy visitors
Jean Holland-Rose (Inside Design Orlando)
Chief Creative Officer and SEO Professional
Jean is a an SEO strategist for over 200 websites nationwide. She is responsible for assisting clients to maximize their online presence through her proven marketing strategies and search engine optimization methodology.  She is passionate about blogging and reporting only the truth. She encourages continuing SEO education and staying on top of Google algorithm changes. Learn more about Jean and the design wizards at 


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