Today’s business websites must become SEO competitive and develop a great online digital presence. Unfortunately, the Google search algorithm can be very difficult to understand and changes with the wind. All of us must change as necessary and stay current on new trends as they happen. Watch, as best you can watch the Google changes and make your own changes to stay current with SEO into the new year.
Those online companies who have the budget have simply hired an outside SEO Professional to take on the job. That is not affordable for some smaller companies so do your best to educate yourself. Read about the eight (8) new major Google algorithm updates.
The most popular mantra in the digital environment in the past few years has been, “content is king.” Your target audience expects relevant content. This content must be geared to individual needs and wants. By adding this new content consistently you will develop a successful SEO strategy and build a powerful digital presence. Your site will receive a higher rank in the SERPs (search engine results pages).
Introducing the Google BERT search algorithm:
This algorithm was first introduced in 2018. It requires a user-focused technique for optimization. It is useful in search inquires and helps to interpret the text to locate content on the web. This new algorithm works best on those sites that have a clean layout (architecture) and promotes user-friendliness. We develop a clean layout by defining the major sections of the website, populating the content for each section, and dividing the content into individual website pages.
All main pages are listed on the site navigation bar. The BERT algorithm favors relevant and organic content rather than outdated methods from the past. Those would include stuffing website pages full of bloated content and keywords not connected to relevant content.
Those clients who contact us and ask if they can improve their SEO by adding more keywords are not following the updated methods. Keyword stuffing is to be avoided on all websites Although keyword stuffing doesn’t work any longer, it is still used by unscrupulous black hat SEO individuals. This mistake can cost your business precious revenue by driving the rank of your website straight down the tubes. The new SEO methodology is geared toward a user-focused method of adding new organic content consistently.
BERT’s goal was to change the search methods to one of developing content to match the intent of the user.
Building digital presence:
Digital presence is all about how strong your business site ranks online. Your digital presence also includes the content on your website and social media profiles. Also included is other content you have no control over. An example of this would be your online reviews, whether they are negative or positive.
Providing your online customers with the best bang for the buck will keep them coming back. November is the perfect time to create new product banners featuring holiday savings. Sending out periodical newsletters is a win-win for any online business. Add a newsletter signup form to your website to keep a list of those who are interested in your product or service.
This list (archived) can be used throughout the year as you develop various marketing strategies. If at all possible, reach out directly to your target audience using a newsletter this holiday season. Speaking with them one on one will allow you to ask them how they like your service and how you can improve. Build an online digital presence by becoming an authority website by solving customer problems and providing a quality product or service.
SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages):
To gain a high rank in the SERPs, your site must avoid a bad reputation for past business practices. This can kill your chances of success. Your website must be developed well taking into account, all security measures and all technical issues being resolved. Address any negative reviews from past customers, and repair those relationships if any occur.
Connect with your social media platforms and keep them current. It is a day of a good decision to hire outside help to keep everything up to date and current. This will boost your chances to become a thought leader in your industry. Most consumers buy from brands they trust. Be that trusted brand in 2020 and your ROI will soar to new heights.
Inside Design Orlando News & Views:
This has been a busy month so far at Inside Design Orlando. Innate Fitness has just been published and we are now working on Lake Mary Chiropractic Services. One of our famous clients, Veronica Campbell Brown (gold medal sprinter) from Jamaica has now developed a new logo and is featuring a completely new line of fitness clothing. See her new fitness items at VCB Fitness.
Contact our design staff for your next big design project. We are featuring three great design packages on our home page for the holiday season. We also have special pricing for logo design and blogging services. With COVID-19 still at the forefront of the news, we could all consider working on our fitness as a goal for the new year. Stay safe, wear a mask to protect yourself and others, and hurry back for more next time from the Design Wizards at Inside Design Orlando.
Design quote for the week:
The public is more familiar with bad design than good design. It is, in effect, conditioned to prefer bad design, because that is what it lives with.
The new becomes threatening, the old reassuring.” — Paul Rand, graphic designer
SEO Writer