SEO and Small Business Websites in 2022

Mar 31, 2022

Small Business WebsitesSEO and small business websites are finding success in 2022.  Developers are being innovative and using better optimization strategies.  This is helping to boost online visibility and promote their goods and services globally.  After the last two years of the Pandemic, the economy is slowly recovering.  Small business owners are learning to appreciate the internet as the main tool for their continued success.

Site promotion using “local SEO”

A goal of small businesses is to create a profitable digital presence locally.  “Local SEO” is a tool to reach this goal and refers to improving the search rank of a small business website close to home.  This method will drive the consumer toward local community vendors.  This SEO strategy is used to optimize all pages of the website to increase leads, boost traffic patterns and lead consumers to brand awareness through local search methods.  This is of course a win-win proposition for small business entrepreneurs.

Keyword research for the local market:

Keyword research is important for local SEO on small business websites.  The first step is to identify a list of specific keywords being used to find a local product or service.  Next, those very words should be added to the website page content  This will serve to target the correct local vendor online.  From here, the customer will be sure to purchase a product or service from a local vendor’s website.   This again is another win-win for local entrepreneurs.

Including meta-tags and backlinks:

All small business websites should include meta-tags.  These are words that will identify the actual nature of the page content.  They will explain the importance of the page content to search engines.  These words (meta-tags) are to be programmed into the source code of all pages of the site.  In the “title” tag you must include the actual local area that you serve.  Focus on this, especially for the landing page of the small business websites.
Adding quality backlinks will ensure the SEO of the small business website is correctly done.  This is crucial in receiving a high ranking in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).  Google uses these quality backlinks to rate the value and trustworthiness of your website and offerings.  The goal of any entrepreneur online is to develop and count upon their website being known as an authority website.  This is a site that can be trusted to deliver only the highest quality products and services.  This rank is not possible without quality backlinks.  Each and every new backlink listed will boost your value online.

Attracting quality backlinks:

Small Business WebsitesOne way that the site owner can get more traffic and attract high-quality backlinks is to consistently publish original articles.  These are articles that have been thoroughly researched and offer new and interesting content.  Publishing this informative information consistently will surely encourage others to consider your website an authority website.

Other suggestions to include visual aids:

Consider conducting surveys, use images, and videos that attract the target audience.  Additionally, you may offer case studies on articles based on your own field of expertise.  Publish original statistics (small lists and small chunks of content).  This will serve to back up any claims and further the knowledge of the topic being discussed.  Make sure your content is easy to read.  Keep paragraphs short and be precise on the information included.

Discuss trending news:

Publish trending news that relates to your specific brand awareness.   For SEO and small business websites, topics in the news are always welcomed by those searching online.  This could lead to news sites and media outlets and further your chances to pick up valuable backlinks for your small business website.  Keep in mind it is always smart to provide savings on goods and services during holidays and other seasonal events.  All of these tips will help to improve your odds of getting others to link back to your website.

Optimize your website speed:

The page speed of any small business website will definitely affect user experience and determine the effectiveness of the site.  The site must load quickly to receive a high rank on Google.   The following tips must be followed:

  • Compress all image files to under 100KB
  • Compress HTML and CSS files
  • Keep animation sizes low

Orlando Website Design News & Views:

Congratulations to Aaron and the staff at Polkadogz Pet Rescue.  Their new website is online and getting high reviews from visitors and friends.  The service they offer is very needed in our area and we urge everyone to visit their new website and make a small donation to help them in this most worthy cause.  Adopt a pet … don’t shop!
Thanks for stopping by and hurry back for more next time from our staff to yours.
Jean Holland-Rose
Chief Creative Officer & SEO Professional


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