Ask any of our clients and they’ll tell you they want to learn more about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and Social Media this year to improve their website placement. Site ranking has become more and more important as we look to the web to run our business, sell our products and reach our target audience. Most people consider the web as the first choice for finding goods and services. What better New Year’s Resolution than to get SEO and Social Media savvy?
To quote the late and great “Steve Jobs, a man we all respect in this industry, “Design is not just what it looks like … Design is what it does.” WOW ….Doesn’t that say it all? Having a beautiful website is just the beginning. The way the site works and how much business and revenue the site produces is the real test of excellence. In other words, what is your Return on Investment? (ROI)
. How many requests have you received by form results or phone, etc?
. How much income has your site generated since launch?
. Are your statistics showing a definite pattern of growth?
SEO and Social Media will play a large part in the development of your website. Without understanding the methodology and/or having someone around that does understand this methodology will stop you from achieving the success you’re seeking. It goes without saying that most of us would rather do everything ourselves and thus not have to spend a fortune on professionals. Don’t fret, there are many things you can do which do not cost money . Just start educating yourself. There are classes (online) which will help you to understand both SEO and Social Media. There are also many great teaching articles you can gain knowledge from (right on the web) and available free of charge.
This journey will take time and you must be dedicated to spending this time to keep the competition at bay. If your schedule does not allow for this learning experience, you must then consider hiring outside help. If you do your research you may find a professional who is both knowledgeable and cost effective. However, there is no choice ….this must be done for your site to bring the traffic to your door that you envisioned when you first embarked on your website project.
Here is your “Happy New Year” wish from us all wrapped up in a big red bow!
Call us to set up an SEO meeting this year to discuss your future success.
Jean Holland-Rose, Chief Creative Officer and Marketing Strategist