Our SEO workshop today is all about branding. Our speakers, Dawn Borglund, RISE Brand Mgr. and Rise Creative Group, CEO, Stephan Barrett, are very familiar with branding and SEO. They have had the distinct pleasure of working for some of the top sites in Central Florida and around the globe. We are very happy to have their special expertise available today for our clients attending the workshop.
Your website (although it is a great place to visit, visually, it has to be more than just a pretty face to bring success your way. It must be functional and offer SEO tactics to get you noticed. You should strive to build avenues to continue the conversation with your viewers. The clients attending our workshop today will learn many new and effective techniques to brand their company, and to keep moving forward in this world of media that constantly changes.
What is branding all about?
Personal branding is the manner of how businesses identify themselves and it is what makes your company different from the other competitors in your field.
To be considered an expert in your unique field, developing your personal brand is not just necessary but without this you will not be able to stand out in the crowd. It should be at the top of the list of things to work on as you move forward with your business plan.
You’ll need your own company logo, letterhead, website and all elements necessary for your brand development. Your logo should be trademarked and protected by copyright law. Your website content too, may be protected. In this way you will prevent others from using your unique brand identity.
Why is It so important to develop a personal company brand?
It is important to have you stand out in the crowd and to be recognized easily as an expert in your field of endeavor. No one wants to be just like everyone else. The longer you are in your field of expertise, the more folks will get to know you instantly from your brand identification. Many clients ask us, how important are domain names to site visibility?” The answer is the longer your domain name has been online will also determine ranking (everything counts, blogging, linking to relavant sites of interest and building great SEO strategy.
Building a Website & SEO
With most viewers looking online for goods and services, to get the most out of those looking for your services you must get to know search engine optimization and work with those that can build your SEO strategy. Branding and working with professionals to develop your website with good, clear and conscise SEO criteria is a must. Since this is new for you, we highly recommend that you get to know and hire a professional in that field to optimize your website for search engine submission. The more visible you become in search engines the better. You’ll be able to do this using tried and true SEO techniques presented to you. However, this changes constantly and so it is important that you take the time to keep current with new elements of SEO as it is made available to you either by your SEO partner or on line.
Gaining Trust from clients & building a client base
As your brand becomes more identifiable to others and as you are online longer, you’ll start to see the branding efforts pay off.
I would urge all of you as you grow in leaps and bounds and learn more and more about personal branding strategies and SEO methods that you all pay close attention to your online reputation. When adding information to your website and advertising your services or products, be sure to offer fair pricing to all customers and to guard your good reputation. Client satisfaction is the one thing that will bring those needed word of mouth clients your way. One bad experience can be a set back so be careful to offer each and every client fair and equitable services. Understanding this can keep your business on top and send more people your way.
Good luck as you go forward with your new businesses. Brand yourself for success.
Thought for the day: When you meet with clients (new or old) offer them a few cookies with your new brand on it. How is that for a great branding idea. We learned that from our partners at “Rise.” Oh yes…there are companies that do this…click here for one in Orlando.
Hurry back,
Jean Holland-Rose, Chief Creative Officer