Many of our clients ask if they should hire an SEO Professional to write posts for their websites. At the end of the day to be successful, part of that success will come by recognizing that no man is an island and we all have our areas of expertise.

Optimize Your Success!
Writing is an art in itself and not all of us are blessed with this wonderful talent. Some of us are programmers, others are graphic artists and then there are the true writers (those among us) that are educated and talented in the field of creative writing. To deliver the highest results in top search engine searches, the most informative and best written articles and posts get top billing. Search Engine Optimization requires good creative writing skills to offer blog posts that will be noticed and accepted by top data bases. The best posts get the greatest attention.
Our client “Christina’s Concrete” was looking for a writer to add a great writing flavor to their blog posts. The staff was overwhelmed with day to day chores and this additional chore was not within their expertise. To their credit they hired our freelance writer, Charmaine Beleele. She has just completed their first post and it is a masterpiece. Read the post by clicking on the link below. This may change your mind about hiring a professional. We are really lucky to have such a great staff member available for our clients. The client sent the following info and our writer took that small amount of content and created a beautiful “post.”
Info Received from client: Christina’s Concrete:
New Office. Please use info below:
CCI has expanded to Savannah Georgia. The new office was opened in August of 2011 and is located at 31 W Congress St. The space is considered downtown Savannah. With the opening of this office we hope to be able to expand our business into Georgia and the Carolina’s.
Here is the post: Created by Charmaine Beleele (SEO Professional)
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Here is the feedback from the client “Christina’s Concrete.”
We must admit, we did not give you much to work with but you turned it into something amazing!!
Awesomely done!! Thank you.
Call at 407.405.4877 to schedule blogging services with one of our professionals.
Jean Holland-Rose, Chief Creative Officer.