Good Article Marketing
Every business owner is starting to realize the value of professionally written content. However, there are few of us that are professional writers. Our clients are lucky to have 3 individuals available for this task.
Below is some writing tips from one of our SEO Technicians, Charmaine Beleele from Ft. Smith Arkansas. She is a professor of Journalism with the University of Arkansas and in her free time enjoys writing for some of our clients. She is also a free lance writer for Rangefinder Magazine so Charmaine is no stranger to article writing.
Suggestions for good blogging!
1) Research before creating your article or post. Work closely with the client to learn and understand their unique business and goals for the future.
2). As writers, we use words to paint visual images of topic content. Although images are wonderful we must be able to paint a picture using words alone. We also create easy to understand sentences so that others will enjoy reading it.
3) Visit other websites (those who offer the same services as your client) and see what is popular with each selling season or ask the site owner to provide flier information, etc.
4) Let your personality shine through and share your experiences if they are related to the topic of interest. Add interesting facts and figures and keep sentences brief.
5) Above all be aware that you are writing for someone else’s business and their very existance on the web depends on you. Live up to their expectations by continuing to educate yourself on the latest blogging and writing techniques. Search engine optimization criteria changes constantly. As technology changes, so must you as a writer. Forever adapting to change is key.
The tips above from Charmaine offer us a better understanding of what is needed for good article writing. Read the testimonial below from one of Charmaine’s clients, “Christina’s Concrete.” Although we don’t always receive a thank you as we work for our clients, we are excited when one arrives….
Visit Christina’s website to see the amazing blogging efforts from Charmaine on their behalf.
Hello Charmaine:
Loved the new blog, you continue to impress me!! I am amazed at what you can create with such little information. Sorry, I didn’t have a photo for the last one. Seems like you are getting to be an expert in the tilt up industry.
Thanks and happy to have you as part of the team
Brandy Marks, Business Administrator
Christina’s Concrete Inc.
3307 Clarcona Road
Apopka, FL. 32703
If any of our visitors are interested in Charmaine’s blogging or writing services, call us anytime at 407.405.4877.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of our friends, family and visitors …
Jean Holland-Rose, Chief Creative Officer
Inside Design Orlando (an Orlando Website Design Company since 2001)
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