SPRING ahead with the Google algorithm mobile search methodology

Apr 20, 2015

Welcome to spring and to the new Google algorithm method now in effect. Google has given us ample warning and is now honoring only those sites built on a mobile-friendly platform. This change will begin tomorrow, April 21, 2015.  Per this latest news release, this will affect millions of online businesses as it relates to mobile searches. With this news, comes much anxiety and panic among those site owners who have not updated their websites. Since attracting new business through conversion rate (converting visitors to buyers) is the goal of any site owner. It is not OK to just ignore this new change. Mobile usage has exploded and most of us are now using mobile devices. Don’t be left behind. Make sure your current site is updated and mobile-ready.

Connecting to other mediumsThe good news and the bad news about the new Google algorithm:

The good news is that you can still use your current site (unchanged) until you can afford to make the change to a mobile platform.  Those using an organic search using the computer will still be ok, and your current site can still be found by those who have visited the site before and by those knowing the name of the site.  You should not lose customers you have already generated.  However, the bad news is this:  Your outdated site will no longer be listed in Google “mobile searches”. This will immediately be felt by  businesses that have enjoyed great online traffic in the past.
My clients wonder how Google and other search engines detect that a site is not mobile-ready.  The answer is that there is a specific identification code in the backend of each mobile site which is easily located by search engine bots. Contact us ASAP if you have a question regarding this and we will check your site and offer an affordable option for re-design.

Fresh new content also makes a difference when updating a site:

Re-write old content to send out a fresh new perspective. This announces to search engines that something new has been added. Remember, the old content has been on-line for a long time and the search engines need a new reason to visit the site and consider it for ranking.  Using the old text but changing it to include new content will dispatch search engines back to your site..

Remove dead links and add current trending news links:

Make sure to remove any dead links. Keep and add only the links that add value and are relevant to what you are promoting. Ask to exchange links with other websites of interest to gain a reciprocal linking value. Another suggestion is to add links to current news releases. Trending news of the day always generates interest.

Add new visuals and video presentations:

Invite folks back to rediscover your site by welcoming them with something special.  If you’re not sending monthly or quarterly newsletters, it is smart to advertise a benefit on the site which will keep visitors returning for more. Let your images do the talking by showing off great marketing messages using imagery.  A new video of the week is also an option which might entice new viewers.

Building an authority website, mobile-friendly and functional:

Turn your site into an authority site by attracting a community of like-minded followers. Although some of our clients shy away from allowing visitors to “comment.”  having a fear of the unknown, it is still a good idea to offer some method for feedback. You might consider asking the site visitor to complete a survey or implement a feedback form to be completed, offering suggestions for improvement. This can be a slippery slope so be careful when asking for feedback on a highly controversial subject. Moderation is the best way forward. Visit sites similar to yours and see how they are handling feedback. This functionality is always a plus when done professionally.

In conclusion don’t forget the following tip for success:

I have been trying hard to drive home the point to my followers (in each blog entry) that we now know that eighty percent (80%) of all United States internet users read website blog entries. This will add the finishing touch as you develop your site to one of authority. Blog for success is not just a slogan but a proven method to stay competitive online. From a business perspective, those companies that blog consistently are the ones who receive the highest amount of leads.
Thanks for stopping by and hurry back for more next time.
Jean Holland-Rose (Inside Design Orlando)
Chief Creative Officer and SEO Professional
Jean is a an SEO strategist for over 200 websites nationwide. She is responsible for assisting clients to maximize their online presence through her proven marketing strategies and search engine optimization methodology.  She is passionate about blogging and reporting only the truth. She encourages continuing SEO education and staying on top of Google algorithm changes. Learn more about Jean and the design wizards at InsideDesignOrlando.com. 


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