Marketing Research & Consumer Analysis:
To find out where you fit in, you must first analyze the needs of consumers who may be in the market to buy your product or service. Before you sink all of your hard-earned money into a new project, if your budget allows, we recommend highly that you hire a marketing research firm or individual to determine the best course of action. This will provide a clear picture of what method will work best for your unique brand.
The end goal is to have your brand “stand out in the crowd.” Offering a new twist or a new concept to sell and introduce your special product or service may be just what is needed. This will breathe new life into an otherwise old method of delivery. Remember the old saying, “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” This is a great quote to remember as you begin to build your special brand. Many have gone before you and Learning from their mistakes can save you time and money.
How about re-designing the company logo?
Re-inventing the brand may be the route to take if your brand’s mission statement has changed or to put a new face on the progress of your company since the opening. Re-designing your logo would be the logical first step in this process. When we first set up our companies, most of us were not considering how important our logo was in the branding of our product or service. We chose a quick representation of our company and moved on. Now it may be time to consider a refresh.
As important as the logo is in the marketing scheme, it is also the first impression for those visiting your website for the first time. Like color, it is a silent sales tool to introduce your special brand. It should rock with pizzazz to show off your attributes. Review the logo you have currently and if you haven’t spent the farm on business cards, brochures and the like, it might be smart to consider contacting several graphic artists for new ideas. A great new logo will speak volumes about your success.
Logo formats … how many should I request?
Formats should be provided for your website, printed items such as your business card, brochure, letterhead, etc. You may also need a larger format for giveaway items such as pens, hats, and even a larger format for a billboard…..yes, you might even consider a billboard in the future. Contact us to offer a few suggestions on logo designers in our area. There are some cost-effective graphic artists waiting to hear from you. We look forward to providing a few choices to consider.
Good luck on your hot branding journey ahead.
Article by: Jean Holland-Rose
Chief Creative Officer and SEO Admin