As the spirit of the season arrived, our design team launched our last site for the year…… as luck would have it the last website to be launched was Nu-Hope Elder Care Services, Inc. What a wonderful and caring company to represent our Christmas season at The Nu-Hope staff are excited to have their new site all lit up and online for their visitors. The new look is very updated and the colors reflect their branding much better than the old site. Visit their new site .
We hope all of you out there get what you want from Santa tomorrow….that is if you’ve been good!
This year has been full of joy and surprise and we have welcomed many new website clients to our family. Christmas Parties are waiting so we’ll sign off for the last time this year and look forward to a new year of new faces, new clients and success in 2012.
Our special holiday thanks to all of you who have followed us throughout the year. Here is a Christmas tweet for you …
Twas the night before Christmas and the only sound to be heard ….is the joy of the season and our final few words……
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night
Jean Holland-Rose & our Staff