Top search engines like Google look for fresh and accurate blog content

Apr 5, 2015

Today, we’re discussing the importance of keeping your website populated with new, accurate content. Some content found online may be opinion rather than fact. Claims you’ve read about or heard about must be researched and not just blindly accepted as truth. Gone are the days when anything can be published online.
Becoming a force on the web is not for the faint of heart. The three top things that will stop your site from being ranked highly are:

  1. Having an outdated site (not built on a mobile friendly platform)
  2. Not publishing quality content consistently
  3. Publishing content which is not truthful or accurate

perfect design partnersDuring the design phase, our team here at Inside Design Orlando take care of the first requirement which is to provide a responsive mobile-friendly website. Unfortunately, once we launch the new site, we depend upon the site owner to take the baton and keep the site updated with fresh content. As good partners and custodians we report on the new algorithm methods as we receive new information. But developing the site to be an authority site now becomes the responsibility of the site owner. Trouble is just around the corner if this advice is not followed.
Our best advice to hire a professional as soon as the site is launched is ignored by many of our clients. This suggestion, often, falls upon deaf ears. Many of our clients feel they can do this task easily themselves and save the cost of hiring a professional. It is of course all about the money and all companies, large and small are focused on saving money. If a client has already been using a blogger, he or she is probably not appreciated and may be on the chopping block when budget time approaches. The word “blog” is very misunderstood and to many people it sounds like an insignificant task that can be accomplished by anyone available or possibly by a secretary.
They would be wrong.  Blogging is not a secretarial task.

Partnering with the professional to offer content:

Design and Development MethodThe client can certainly partner with the blogger to offer topics or ideas to be considered. However, a professional knows best how to creatively write useful and original material and they also understand Google algorithms and other SEO criteria. The professional blogger is in essence a reporter of “trending news and views.” Clients using the blog space to blow their own horn will soon discover their content is of no value to search engines. Search engines that scan the site for new content are looking for  educational content as it relates to the client’s area of expertise and content worth listing. The choice by the client to attempt to blog themselves, or to save the cost of hiring a professional, will prove detrimental to future traffic patterns.
Gaining new traffic, more paying customers and more click-throughs depend upon the skill of the professional content writer. Knowing what works is the best way to move forward and in the long run it will prove to be the most cost-effective choice. Stay in the know, report only the truth and populate your website with content worth reading.
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Jean Holland-Rose, Chief Creative Officer and SEO Professional
Jean is a an SEO strategist for over 200 websites nationwide. She is responsible for assisting clients to maximize their online presence through her proven marketing strategies and search engine optimization methodology.  She is passionate about blogging and reporting only the truth. She encourages continuing SEO education and staying on top of Google algorithm changes. Learn more about Jean and the design wizards at 


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