Top search engines use stringent guidelines to rank websites

Nov 19, 2016

Black Hat SEOTimes have changed since the inception of the internet.  In the past, the internet was an environment where anything goes. This is not the case any longer. The internet is now more mature and sophisticated in how it is used by the public. The guidelines and algorithms are more complex, which offers users more reputable sources. Inevitably, there will always be those bad actors that attempt to game the system, and prey upon unsuspecting site owners.
These folks will be promising results that sound great but can get the site banned. There is much danger out there for those business owners who are not “in the know.”

Black Hat SEO TechniquesWarning to bad actors:

Google has warned those that attempt to trick and game the system. Using these practices that are not allowed, can get the website removed and/or blacklisted. The rules are now stricter than ever, and the discipline is ever-changing.  Staying current with SEO trends will pay off with higher site rank and increase the return on investment for all users. Avoid the following bad practices to keep your site from being penalized:

  • Keywords stuffing

Keyword stuffing does not just pertain to website content. It includes using keywords over and over again on meta tags and descriptions too.  Another technique to avoid is using extra keywords placed within invisible text that readers cannot see, This method will quickly be recognized by savvy search engine bots and will get you penalized. The best way forward is to avoid deliberately overloading keywords which could hurt your site rank. Google is looking for more advanced and well-thought out intelligent copy. Stay true to yourself by offering only valuable content.

  • Duplicate content

Duplicate content is banned by most search engines now. As we begin developing a new website we ask our clients to come up with their own original content for each and every page of the website. This will shout loud and clear to search engines that our client is building a following based upon natural and organic content.  Another duplicate content pitfall is for individuals or entities to think they can use the same content on two websites. This practice will cause both sites to receive harsh penalties. Another troubling method used by bad actors is to use copy from another website. They simply copy and paste this content into a website and this is known as plagiarizing.  This illegal method can provoke legal action from the original content creator.  Spend your time wisely by creating your own valuable content.

  • Link buying

SEO StrategyWe all want our sites to be ranked highly and to be found by those searching for our goods and services. It is great for site promotion to add valuable links to your site.  But these links must be relevant and reputable. Find link partners that work well with your site and your target audience. A natural link from your site to a site providing more information as it relates to your product or service is the best choice. Quality over quantity is best for link partnership.  Build your linking partners over time to provide the best resources for your users
Our clients are being bombarded with all types of claims from outside companies promising to add a huge number of links on their site which will in turn get them on the first page of the search engines. This is considered a bad technique by Google and we are warning our clients to stay away from these companies. Their practices can get your site black listed. Our team will be visiting the Google team in Sunnyvale, California over the holidays.  We will be picking up new SEO strategies from our Google experts.
New websites clients are welcome to contact us to receive a FREE critique of their current site over the holidays.  It may be time to update to a new platform in the new year.  We have noticed since the election results have been finalized, that our requests for new business websites have increased.  Two new team members will be welcomed in the new year to assist us with the increased workload.
We wish all of you a safe and happy Thanksgiving holiday.  Hurry back for everything design  ….
Happy Thanksgiving from Inside Design Orlando


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