Web Design and the Impact of Change in 2021

Mar 23, 2021

Forecasters are predicting that web design, e-commerce, and calling card websites will be impacted heavily by a change in 2021.  In fact, the global technology industry as a whole will likely reach $5 trillion this year.  This represents a growth rate of 4.2 percent.  Website design trends will feel the impact.
The COVID-19 pandemic has definitely impacted the design industry.  It has been the cause of this incredible rise of technology.  We are all looking for more competitive methods to work smarter this year.
The many technology changes this year are happening so fast it is hard to keep up.  It has become difficult to know what we can expect in the future.  We are kept on our toes to keep up with the new trends wanted by clients.  Last year since many brick and mortar shops were closed with the Pandemic, e-commerce shopping online increased exponentially.  Online sites ready to go when this occurred were the ones who gained the most.

E-commerce changes in 2021

The name of the game is to keep customers happy.  Those sites in 2021 not measuring up to today’s high standards, are quickly losing their customers to those ready for this new normal.
Today, more e-commerce website owners are hurriedly struggling to improve their online presence and gain part of the market share.  Since COVID-19 e-commerce websites have evolved like never before. Review your site regularly and compare your site to other e-commerce sites to see how brands stack up to your own brand.

Online tools for keeping sites updated:

Automatic testing tools are now available online to critique the effectiveness of a functional website. This software is built to identify glitches and find bugs that cause the browser or the mobile platform to function poorly.  It is best for all online companies to invest in this software or to contact their webmaster to implement this great tool for success in 2021.

Improve user experience with customers:

Today, most brick-and-mortar stores have recognized the value of having an online presence. This has caused the competition to skyrocket. Customers shopping online want to feel like they are at the actual shopping location. That means there is a real need for an improved user experience for e-commerce sites.
Online platforms must provide a user experience that is improved from the old sites which relied heavily on only images and video. Creating an interactive experience online is the ticket., and those websites that add virtual reality to their sites are creating a win-win user experience.

Are chat features and virtual assistance a necessity?

Although we don’t add this to all e-commerce sites, it is a plus to have either a “chat feature” or a virtual assistant available on today’s modern websites.  This is a trend that is here to stay.  This saves the user from typing in questions and getting quick and immediate responses.
Having any of these options will help you avoid hiring full-time employees and you can rest assured that your visitors to the website will receive a response in a timely manner.

Options for visually challenged individuals:

Today more than ever we should be aware of those individuals struggling in this challenging environment.  This especially pertains to the visually impaired. Technology is available to allow stronger contrast between text and backgrounds which helps the visually impaired to navigate the site.

What is the dark mode all about?

Twitter started this phenomenon.  It is the ability to change the contrast from a light background and dark text to a dark background and light text.
A “dark mode” is an alternative model for the user interface to display mainly dark surfaces.  This mode reduces the light from device screens.  It maintains the minimum color contrast which is still required for readability.
A dark mode on a website will enhance visuals by reducing eye strain.  This mode helps to create a more comfortable use at night or in darker environments.  Very bright colors can hurt your eyes.  If you are using the computer for long periods of time, using the dark mode will help you avoid this eye strain.

Is the dark mode option here to stay?

A dark mode allows the design aspects to stand out.  It can also conserve battery power and turned off and on as needed.  This mode is normally placed among the menu options.  The dark mode has gained in popularity over the past year and will no doubt be around for a while.

Using 3D Elements:

The trend today to use 3D elements in web design will continue.  It is not as costly as before and many designers are having their clients consider this medium.  It allows for a better user experience and keeps the website visitor engaged.  The bounce rates are less with the use of 3D elements in the design platform.

New design methods allow for imperfection:

In 2021 the designer is less concerned with perfection and able to experiment easier with new ideas as they work.  Today, our designers are coming up with new and different asymmetrical layouts.  They are no longer required to stick with only rigid layouts.  This new normal allows the designer to create more exciting design projects.

What about minimalism?

As we discuss the impact of change in 2021,  we expect to continue using minimalism as a design focus. Minimalism offers the viewer clean text and lots of empty white space.  However, this year we do expect to see more colorful minimalism.  As designers, we will be using bold colors and fonts which will light up the background.  This will offer a simple and visually appealing website design.

Web design changes will impact business in 2021:

The overall success of your business this year will depend upon how well your company website serves those consumers that visit.  Changes in design and keeping current with new features and functionality will make or break any online business.  Here are some questions to consider:

  • Does your site reflect the needs of your target audience?
  • Does your website design feature the changes in the marketplace?
  • Is your brand represented accurately?

Although you might feel you could save money by designing the site yourself, it is not a good idea to do this.  Spending the money to hire professional web designers is the best choice.  They are in touch with the new changes available for design and programming.  They also understand how to add elements for functionality which is a must in 2021.
As we have mentioned before, the website is the face of your brand and has to be memorable to capture attention.  The software used to develop professional websites has been improved over the past several years and there are now many new bells and whistles which will help your brand succeed.
Contact our Design Wizards to discuss what is needed to make those great changes this year.  Your impact online and how competitive you are depends upon the choices you make.  We have several great new design packages available to fit any budget.  Contact us to talk!
Thanks for stopping by and hurry back for more next time.
Staff Writer for Inside Design Orlando
An Orlando Website Design Company since 2001.


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