Web Design News for 2020:  Changes on the horizon

May 25, 2020

For the past decade smart technology has evolved to a new level.  This has directly affected web design.  Our post today is regarding  Web design news for 2020.  Developers who failed to stay current with this new normal have quickly disappeared from the design landscape.  The modern sites of today feature a platform that is visually engaging and at the same time follows a minimalistic design method.  They are developed to be mobile-friendly, using a Mobile-First design strategy.  They are both visually appealing and function perfectly for today’s savvy consumer.

Entertainment software of yesterday:

Years ago there was no problem creating a site that was not user-friendly.  The sky was the limit for many artists and those having some art and programming expertise.  We saw the use of many animated GIFs to draw interest to website viewers.  Many of our designers started designing using software called “Flash.”  This software featured animation and GIFs to entertain the viewer, especially for gaming sites and other sites needing that look and feel.
Sites offering products and services for children such as tourist destinations and others did well with this additional animation.  In web design news today, it is very rare that sites are developed using Adobe Flash software.  Unlike the trends of the past, the savvy website visitor today is looking for better user experience.  They are leading very busy lives.  They search the web for information and savings as opposed to entertainment.  They want information immediately and expect the site to load quickly.  This was not the case with outdated sites, overloaded with unnecessary elements, bloated text, and pictures.

Website savings and keeping a competitive edge:

Offering special savings today is a must for any online business.  No one shopping online expects to pay the full price for goods and services.  Let’s face it, today we need to save where we can.  As an example, brick and mortar shops provide coupons and discounts regularly.  To boost our own marketing strategy and site conversion rate, we must follow their lead.  The competition online today is daunting.  Staying current with today’s unique design changes and offering savings will help us keep that competitive edge.  Over time, this marketing strategy will allow us to build loyal customers.

Adding Call To Action buttons (CTAs):

Today we want our website visitors to convert as soon as possible.  We want them to ask for our design services quickly by completing our “reply/response form.”  To get this accomplished, we add several CTAs (call to action buttons) on our home page.  These action verbs such as “call now” or “get a free quote” will help the visitor click-through quickly and ask for our services.  All CMS (Content Management System) elements such as CTAs, creative content, and clear messages work best for a successful site in 2020.
As we report on the latest web design news, please keep in mind that some of our visitors may be very busy or have a short attention span.  Using these CTAs work well for conversion rates.  There is no need for the visitor to look through the entire site when they can quickly request services.  CTAs provide a special aspect of convenience for your visitors.  They will also help to increase your conversion rate.

Grid design on the website:

The trend lately is to show grid patterns for area separation between white space.  The grids tend to show up even after space is finished for a clean look.   Grids used in web design is a great way to define spaces between white spaces. Our designers prefer to have the grids show up as a lighter presentation rather than to go with a darker grid finish.

Website typography choices make a difference today:

No one enjoys visiting a website which is hard on the eyes and difficult to read the content.  This is where the typography choice is crucial.  Choose high-quality fonts that make your content easy to read.  Remember to choose an easy to read font for your mobile site view as well.  Over 80 percent of us are using our smartphones every day rather than tablets or computers.   Check out the Google fonts which are free and are appropriate to be used on all browsers.  This will help to save on costs for the site.
New fonts will give your site a unique and timeless look and feel.  Experience has taught us that many visitors are appalled at hard to read typography.  They promptly hit the back button and look for a site with better typography.  In other words, choosing the wrong font can actually drive visitors away, costing you much-needed revenue.

Consider adding a video presentation:

Adding visual media can boost the popularity of any website.  It is a great addition to the site due to our busy schedules and short attention spans.  If you decide to add a video to the site we suggest that you keep the video brief and informative.  A short introduction to the company brand which is about a minute long is plenty.    Welcome those visiting your site and mention your top services quickly.  A short video could encourage visitors to stay and browse your site.  You might ask the visitor to browse your site, read your client reviews, or consider referring them to an FAQ page (Frequently Asked Questions).

Color palettes and minimalistic design:

The more modern sites today are featuring more bold and futuristic color palettes.  This helps the new site to “pop” with vibrancy and interest.  This year we will also be seeing more neon graphics and darker colored backgrounds.  We are all aware as well, that the retro look and feel of the 70s is making a come back.  We are trying new pastel color palettes and ideas from the past to keep modern sites looking unique and timeless.
Whether we use nostalgic palettes from the past or opt to begin with more futuristic concepts and colors, the trends in 2020 are anything but boring.  And although the color choices are brighter and bolder this year, we know that we must be true to today’s minimalistic trends.
Less is best” is the motto for all website designers.  The menu (navigation system) as well is changing to feature minimalist effects.  Some designers are combining navigational buttons to a single drop-down menu for a more minimalistic look and feel.  This allows the visitor to read the site content, watch a video presentation, or concentrate on other home page elements.
The most important information should be upfront on the home page.  Other pages will feature less important content.  This is done since many visitors stay on the site for only a few seconds.  They need to understand your brand quickly for a fast conversion to purchase goods and services.  With our busy schedules today,  we can expect minimalist methods to continue for website development.

Conclusion for top web design:

The latest web design news today features smart technology to include:

  • Mobile-first design strategy
  • A colorful and modern color palette
  • Customized illustrations
  • CTAs & Grid Separation
  • Great content (Less is best)
  • Banner for visitor savings
  • Plenty of white space
  • Easy to read typography
  • Images relating to the brand
  • Video presentation (minimal)
  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

A new website today must be beautiful as well as functional, full of great relevant content and imagery.  Have a great week ahead and contact our team to discuss your next great design project.  Until next time. stay safe and enjoy being back to work.
Jean Holland-Rose
Chief Creative Officer & SEO Professional


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