Web design security plan for 2022

Dec 2, 2021

web design securityThis blog article will be discussing the importance of a website design security plan.  Over the past year, we have become keenly aware of the need for individual website security (especially for WordPress sites).  Our new maintenance plan will provide constant updates for security patches to the WordPress core for each site.  Ignoring the need for web design security could lead to potentially catastrophic losses.
This maintenance will stop brute force attacks which include unauthorized login attempts and more.  The monitoring of your individual site should be done on a continuous monthly basis for best results.  By signing up for a web design security program, you’ll protect your site from malicious cyber threats and have constant protection for your website applications and plug-ins.

Updating security plugins for WordPress sites:

A plug-in is a software program specifically designed to add functionality to your WordPress website.  For example, a gallery plug-in allows you to display images.  E-commerce plugins allow you to sell online and collect payments.   As browser software changes, WordPress also changes to stay current with the browser software.  Likewise, plug-ins need to be updated to stay current with browser and WordPress changes.

web design securityWebsite security monitoring:

Today websites are a crucial part of the world economy and we rely on our individual sites to run our businesses.  A recent poll taken has told us that over 70 percent of all small and large businesses have a company website.  Unfortunately, less than half of the company websites go the extra step with web design security.  They have no protection from outside threats.  Hackers are always looking for websites that are not protected.
Constant monitoring is necessary to stop security breaches.  Small businesses are especially vulnerable to cyber-attacks since many of them do not pay for security monitoring.  This leaves the door wide open to these black hat individuals to access valuable info which is stored within the website database.  Data security and regular monitoring today are important for the health of your individual website.

Protection from website hackers:

No one wants our websites to be hacked.  Hackers are always looking for new ways to use website vulnerabilities.  We have found that many of our clients do not consider paying for web design security and feel it is just another added expense.  This is far from the reality today.  Those businesses not having site security are more likely to lose business and revenue.  They will also not see the same conversions from the landing page that other sites having security enjoy.  Additionally having website security will help your site’s ability to rank well on top search engines like Google.

Web design security plan for WordPress sites:

Our website security and maintenance plan will keep our client’s WordPress websites healthy and secure.  Our maintenance is done on a monthly basis and part of the plan is to keep site backups available.  This allows the programmer to quickly get your site back online should you encounter this situation.  There should be very minimal data loss.  Files will be restored and businesses can return to normal.

Here is a list of items monitored monthly:

  • Update security patches to WordPress core
  • Update plugins to current revision status
  • Monitoring for brute force attacks, unauthorized login attempts
  • Monthly Malware Scan
  • Website backup of the database (includes blog articles)
  • Store backups offsite to prevent data loss
  • Website performance check to improve rank
  • Constant maintenance will boost traffic and conversion rate

With the holidays approaching it is easy to ignore small details that are going on in our businesses.  Having a great web design security plan is a crucial step toward better security in the coming year.  We are excited to be offering our new maintenance and website security plan.  Our team enjoyed our recent visit to the Google facility in California.
Our goal was to learn as much as possible about the Google algorithm changes.  Our visit made it clear that offering a new security and maintenance plan for our WordPress sites was mandatory.  We have spent the last few months putting our heads together and preparing the plan.  This will benefit all of our clients and provide them with a cost-effective solution for site security.  Additionally, we have hired a new programmer to help with the project.  Those signing up for our new security program will reap the benefits.
The monthly plan cost is $29.95.  Signing up for the yearly plan offers savings.  The yearly cost is only $299 per year.  Any of you that would like to learn more and sign up for our web design security plan please call us at 407-405-4877.  You can also complete our contact form on our website and a programmer will be in touch.
web design securityWe wish all of you a safe and happy holiday season.  Please hurry back for more from the Design Wizards at Inside Design Orlando (an Orlando Website Design Company).
Jean Holland-Rose
Chief Creative Officer & SEO Professional


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