Website re-design during COVID-19

Sep 1, 2020

Website business re-opening during COVID-19Deciding to redesign your website and re-open the business during COVID-19.  We are discussing new redesign today since many of our clients have not redesigned their sites in years.  This opportunity is perfect to reinvent the business model.  It is also a great time to introduce new products and services.  The goal of any business is to drive new sales and to improve brand awareness.  The definition of “brand awareness” is how customers are able to recognize the online brand.   The look of the company website plays a large role to enhance brand awareness
A new re-design does just that and more. The new site will be fast loading, responsive, and optimized for today’s busy shopper.  Your company can move forward and build a marketing campaign based on your brand’s new re-design.  

Why consider a new re-design?

A re-design should last at least two to three years.  However, technology moves quickly and designs are more sophisticated now than in the past.  Consumers are expecting the latest in web design as they shop online.  This is why new design features will keep the website fresh and updated.  Our website design company is always offering new options for savings and we also advertise special savings on most holidays.   We are running a special right now for re-design at only $795 for a basic WordPress design.  Your new site can be done within three to four weeks.
SEO and page optimization is included in all re-design packages.  We also submit each new re-design to search engines as it is published.  Our team of SEO technicians and designers are available to offer a “free” critique of your current site and a “free” quote for your new re-design within 24 hours after we are contacted.

Optimize for SEO:

Using keyword phrases for Google searchAs you open your business during COVID-19, the new re-design must be optimized for the latest search engine optimization (SEO) techniques.  Remember that when your current site was published years ago, many of the latest bells and whistles were not available.  In addition, modern consumers today check out social media like Facebook and Instagram, as they search Google for items of interest.
Keeping your site updated with great keyword phrases, and looking modern will pay off with big dividends.  We can show you how to get the most from your online experience.  We hope to hear from you in the future and work with you on your next big project.

Choose a great navigation system:

Whether you are wanting your visitor to complete a reply/response form, to contact you directly by phone, the site must be easy to navigate.  The menu (navigation system) should be clean and minimal.  Fewer choices are best.  Don’t confuse your visitors by giving them a plethora of menu choices.  Today’s shopper needs to quickly find what they are shopping for.  This also includes those businesses that are using an e-commerce platform.  Adding a few call-to-action elements on the home page will help the customer find a specific product.  This technique will pay off with higher conversion rates.

Provide a Frequently Asked Questions page:

Frequently Asked Questions pageToday we are seeing that an FAQ page is one of the most used pages on newer sites.  We suggest adding this page to all new re-designs.  It is considered your customer service section of the website.  It provides quick information and saves time for your visitor.

Keeping it simple and user-friendly:

Just as we always suggest having your phone number placed in prominent places on the web pages, anything you can do to assist the consumer will help your business succeed.  Avoid adding too much information on any one page of the site.  Use bullets when you can and keep the content to a minimum.  Stay away from pop-up ads that distract the user.  Ask your web developer to keep the layout clean and basic.  Make sure the typeface chosen is easy to read.  A consumer can quickly become frustrated if the content is hard to read.  Most will simply leave the site and look elsewhere for goods and services.

Understanding keywords:

Keywords are used when a consumer searches for a product or service online.  There are actually two types of keyword phrases.   Short-chain keywords are normally one to three words and are generic.  Long-chain keywords are comprised of four or more keywords and are more specific searches.  Long-chain keywords are best and these are used more by consumers.  They have a tendency to want to fully explain what item they are looking for.  Using longer phrases therefore when creating website content is the most successful technique.

Conclusion:  re-design and opening business during COVID-19:

Searching the web using keyword strategyConsumers will always purchase from businesses they trust.  Building this trust with online consumers will make or break your business website.  If your new re-designed site attracts new customers based upon trust, they will return for more.  Additionally, once your site is optimized and displays a great keyword strategy, the site will gain ranking.  Visitors to the site may go further and share your content on their own social media.  They might also share your blog articles with others if the content is educational and relevant.  Blogging is still a top technique to get noticed.

 News: An Orlando Website Design Company since 2001:

Thanks for stopping by today.  We hope you all have a great September ahead.  Congratulations to Sikes Law Group and the legal eagles on their brand new re-design.  We know your new website will serve you well into the future.  A special thanks to Sterling Photography for the great team photos for Sikes.
Best from all of the design wizards at “Inside Design Orlando.”    Stay tuned for more next time!


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