Blogging Rules for the Road … 2013

Jan 17, 2013

Online Educational Site for SEO Learning

Learning SEO onlineFor learning SEO online, we highly recommend “Site Pro News.” This site has updated information available on line at all times. Set aside an hour or two each week to read and learn what changes are occurring.
Follow the tips below and search engines will know (at a glance) the purpose of your site, your pages and your blog content.  Replacing old habits with new will insure your place at the top of the heap.
Your journey to the top must include learning new SEO techniques and using those to succeed in the new year.

Let’s discuss a few SEO rules of the road for 2013

1) Much more importance is being placed on the age of a website.  Older URS get higher placement.
2) Authority websites (those which feature valuable content and quality links) carry more weight than social media such as Linked In, Facebook & Twitter content.
3) Add only original content. 300 to 500 words is the best length for a blog post. Never purchase blog content from outside sources.  This can get the site banned.
4) Research and locate up to the minute news articles written in a friendly way.  Link to those news sources and mention the origin of the content source.
5) Single keywords do not determine rank any longer. Longtail keywords (a string of related words which build a phrase) has replaced the individual keyword. Use them in your blog posts and on your static pages.
6) Don’t rely upon video messaging. This is no longer considered the method that will push you to top placement in a hurry as you were once told. Video links are great for site visitors but do nothing to promote the site to search engines.
7) Beware of duplicate content from page to page. If search engines detect this you can be banned from data bases.
8) Keep the blog titles relevant based upon the post content. Titles should be from 60 to 72 characters in length.  Add keywords and be creative.
9) When you decide upon a title for a post, type the choice into Google and test it for search resultes. Add a portion of the title in the main body of content for extra points.
10) When backlinking, use anchor text (a string of related words describing the content beneath the link). Avoid using “read more” or “click here.” These terms have no value to search engines. Good SEO technicians use anchor text instead.
Call us to receive a current list of professional SEO individuals.  Thanks for stopping by … hurry back for more news you can use.
Article by:  Jean Holland-Rose
Chief Creative Officer & Marketing Strategist


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