Write compelling content and they will come … blogging success for 2014

Jan 3, 2014

Creating a steady stream of compelling content will guarantee followers to your website. As a company, your goal for 2014 should be to develop web strategy, look relevant, authentic and engaged as you add blog posts to your website.  Posting content only for the sake of posting content will get you nowhere. Without doing a bit of research, you will simply be posting words, rather than valuable content. This will get your story ignored by your viewership. They deserve your best and your best requires creative and compelling content which requires a fair amount of research.
To find compelling content, one of the best suggestions we can offer is to have you sign up with online magazines related to your expertise. This will offer you a steady stream of news reports to provide you with the latest and greatest information worth reading and reporting to your viewership. This saves them from doing the research themselves and they will quickly see the advantage of returning to your blog to read more. Building a readership requires a “Lois Lane” type of reporting which will attract more viewers as your blog becomes more popular. Make sure all information reported is accurate. Stay away from reporting or writing stories full of contentious information which might be questioned as to the accuracy of the content.
Pay close attention to sensibility and writing style. Readers have very little time to read post articles. They love to scan bullet points and lists which are easier to read than your full formal sentences. Bullet points help the reader to grab main points without spending the extra time needed for longer and more text-heavy paragraphs. As you finish your post article, make sure it is appealing and has no closely spaced words. The visual look should welcome the reader, not intimidate the reader. This will have them coming back for more.
Here are a few suggestions for writing style which will bring the best results:
Clear Key Points (create headings and sub-headings)
Less Complex Sentence Structure (makes reading easier)
Develop lists and tips related to the article title (visually appealing)
Bullet Points (3 to 6 bullets are easier to scan and digest)
Keep your main points of the article up front. Suspense is great for a novel.  As for blogging, it is best (as in a news release) to say it in the beginning. Once you have stated the topic of the story, you can easily build the facts from that point. Keeping your main points up front will build the interest you are expecting.  Write compelling content and they will come.
We wish you a happy new year and hope all of you enjoy the success you are hoping for this year.  Call us to discuss a new mobile design or a new look for the new year. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Jean Holland-Rose
And the Design Wizards
Inside Design Orlando


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