

Basic SEO training and customer Service … how well does it work?

As a designer of over 600 websites over the past 14 years, we deal with clients on a daily basis answering questions and responding to residual requests for site updates. The top question once the site is published is always this: How can I get my site higher in the search engines? No matter how much time we spend with clients, unless they have some understanding of how the search engines work, our job is difficult. Once the new site is published, we provide the client with a FREE training...

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New design methods bring higher website conversion rates

Let's discuss conversion rate and what it means to your online success. Website conversion rate measures the number of customers visiting your site that actually go on to purchase a product or service.  You can increase your conversion rate exponentially by having a great looking website which is functional, beautifully put together and easy to use. This type of website will always attract a higher number of visitors and thus generate a higher conversion rate. It is basic human nature to feel...

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SPRING ahead with the Google algorithm mobile search methodology

Welcome to spring and to the new Google algorithm method now in effect. Google has given us ample warning and is now honoring only those sites built on a mobile-friendly platform. This change will begin tomorrow, April 21, 2015.  Per this latest news release, this will affect millions of online businesses as it relates to mobile searches. With this news, comes much anxiety and panic among those site owners who have not updated their websites. Since attracting new business through conversion...

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