

Why choose WordPress as your website platform in 2021

You already know that we are a fan of WordPress and hope you will choose WordPress as your website platform.  The WordPress community powers more than 30 percent of all websites online today.  As a CMS (Content Managed Software) you can count on your having access to any new updates quickly.  This means your WordPress site will continue to be secure and function properly.  The new plugins for your WordPress site are endless and this allows your site to grow throughout the year and work well...

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Managing unhappy web design clients in 2021

We all know from experience that it is unrealistic to think you can meet everyone's expectations at all times.  We do our best and look forward to any positive feedback when the project is completed.  Sometimes, however, we experience an unhappy client.  Today's post will be a discussion regarding managing unhappy web design clients. Provide the client with a terms agreement: How we deal with others is a huge part of our business.  It becomes worse when the client chooses to place their...

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New web design trends during Covid-19

In the past eighteen (18) months we saw new web design trends being introduced into the online marketplace.  This was influenced by the Covid-19 Pandemic.  Our blog article today will be a discussion-based upon a few of these new web design trends. The working environment was quickly changed and more of us were working from home. This new normal allowed some of us to have the time to develop new skills.  Suddenly, our new real-life experiences during the Pandemic helped us to implement...

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