

Building an industry blog to improve ROI

Happy new year to everyone. Our blog today will be based upon how to build an industry blog and improve your ROI (Return On Investment).  This requires a commitment to content marketing. Each blog article is considered a new page by Google. This gives the website owner another chance the site will be found by those searching for goods and services. Topics for blog articles should be centered around trending industry news. Content is best received when the information educates or informs your...

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Using organic content improves your Google search results in 2018

As we celebrate the new year, we are busy making new year's resolutions to make our lives better. And for some of us, our websites are first on our minds. We are all looking for ways to improve our brands and our company profits this year. Our new years blog post today is all about improving our organic writing skills. We can do this by becoming smarter about what we write and the way we interact with our audience. Write in a way that will appeal to end users and make sure your written article...

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Holiday email campaign strategies for business websites

Tis the season to be jolly and if you have a business website to promote, this is your window of opportunity. Millions of us will be searching online for savings and your email campaign strategies will be put to the test. We recommend that all businesses, small and large develop a holiday marketing strategy to capture these holiday shoppers. Creating a holiday email blast (newsletter to client base) Many clients know that most online businesses offer holiday savings and begin searching early...

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