Website marketing success in the online age
Website marketing online is now crucial for all businesses, and this requires additional time spent in this area. Unfortunately, time is the one commodity that seems to be lacking for all of us. When our workload becomes overwhelming it is easier to spend less time on certain projects, and for some, this is a daunting task. The goal then, is to gain maximum benefit for our time spent. The other option is to hire outside help to develop marketing campaigns to cover this important part of our...
Website blog content still outranks social media for consumer purchasing decisions
Since 2013, blog content tops other marketing methods to drive new consumers to purchase online. This still applies today. Some of our clients are still not on board with this knowledge. They are continuing to follow old methods and many of them are still not embracing this fact. Website blogs are the third most valuable digital resource when making online purchases, and blog information drives 34 percent of the success for brand sites. What you add to your blog is so important that it...
Rules of the road: changing algorithms and SEO ranking factors
Determining features which work best for high-ranking websites lead to website success or failure. One of the top questions we hear everyday from clients is whether or not Google still utilizes meta keyword tags in SEO. They are always surprised to hear that the answer is "no." In 2009, Google published an article accompanied by a video, that Google was no longer using meta key words as a determining factor for ranking. Google also mentioned that this may not be the case in the future. They...