

How color affects website conversion rate and brings online success

Color is the silent salesperson, affecting all marketing and web design projects. Color can change our mood, and alter our opinions. The power of color increases website conversion rate by attracting the attention of our target audience. A website with colors that are visually appealing works best. These are the websites we enjoy visiting, the spaces that are pleasing, and cohesive.  Colors are normally referred to as either warm or cool, and are born out of our experiences with the world...

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Audience communication … building blocks to online success

Everyone who browses the web is your audience. Your job when developing a website is to communicate with a select few called your "target audience." Don't be in a rush to get the site launched. Do your due diligence and develop a clear focus on elements needed to build target audience communication. A contact form is needed for most websites.  However, there are some businesses that do prefer the customer call them before making a purchase. Building a great website does not happen overnight. A...

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Great visual design increases client’s ROI: More than a pretty face

The overall look and design of the website matters more today than in the past. It has now become an information gateway for visitors and customers. The page visual organization must be concise and brief. Only the most valuable information should be listed, and more focus is placed upon great imagery. Choosing the perfect image to create a visual message is preferred, versus bloated content of the past. Google suggest a maximum of 300 words for the home page and 350 for subsequent content rich...

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