Search Engines look for fresh, accurate blog content (part two)
When your business website depends upon blogging consistency, stay clear of content not well researched. Online content may or may not be truthful. Something you may have overheard or know to be a rumor will not increase your search engine ranking and will in the long run slow your progress to a halt. You also stand the chance of setting yourself up to have the reputation for being an untrustworthy brand. Determining the difference between fact and fiction requires this research. Two expert...
Top search engines like Google look for fresh and accurate blog content
Today, we’re discussing the importance of keeping your website populated with new, accurate content. Some content found online may be opinion rather than fact. Claims you’ve read about or heard about must be researched and not just blindly accepted as truth. Gone are the days when anything can be published online. Becoming a force on the web is not for the faint of heart. The three top things that will stop your site from being ranked highly are: Having an outdated site (not built on a mobile...
Converting to a multilingual website to drive higher search results
It is time to raise the bar, and reach a larger audience. Savvy owners are now doing this by considering new global strategies. In years past we were stuck with English-language websites since a large part of our consumers connected with English. Times they are changing and now we are able to connect all over the world through multilingual website design. The sky is the limit, but attracting global business also means speaking their language. We'll need to provide a website in the language of...