How to stay ahead of the competition at the holidays: SEO Strategy
Staying ahead of the competition requires we continue to add great content to our websites even during the holiday season. if your budget allows, this is the perfect time to consider guest bloggers for a fresh perspective and to increase SEO rank. Web consumers have demonstrated their preferences and the blog material is still on top of the list and crucial for positive SEO results. Regular postings, offering dynamic content is the only way to keep consumers engaged. Use creative language...
Bloggers use well-documented content for best SEO rank – part two
Well-documented content is the goal for all top bloggers. Additionally, the title (headline) of the post must be creative to keep the reader's interest. Top search engines suggest no more than 72 characters in the title block. Once the blogger has decided on a headline, they go further by copying and pasting the choice into the Google search bar. This will determine how the title might rank in search results. A compelling and key-word rich title will work well for those searching for products...
Bloggers use well-documented content for best SEO rank – part one
Content marketing strategy requires today's blogger to develop well-documented copy. All content, facts and figures should be rigorously checked for accuracy and truthfulness. Due to search engine algorithms that change like the wind, it is also important to re-evaluate the information periodically. Keeping the information posted updated and correct, will attract the right kind of user. Whether you are a blogger or a site owner, the information in this blog post will be useful. The correct...