

What is the “real” cost of a free website?

If you are a non-technical person and have very little or no budget for web design you will probably be considering one of the FREE website offers from website builders such as Weebly, Squarespace, Wix and others now being advertised.  Most are very similar and make their money by charging for hosting or other services which you’ll need going forward. Unfortunately, in order to keep customers and to grow their user base, many of them make it hard or impossible to move content once it is...

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Choosing a premium domain name for business success

As you consider a domain name for your business it is best to keep it short and sweet.  If you can use a couple of great keywords which describe your product or service that is even better.  For examples, our domain name is ""  This domain name has been around for 15 years and serves us well. Experts in the field suggest that you keep the domain name to less than 50 characters if at all possible. In the past, the right domain name offered a significant competitive...

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Social media versus Google advertising

Many clients ask us how social media marketing strategies stack up against Google Advertisements. Although we prefer blogging as a first choice, many clients would prefer to buy paid advertisements from Google or work on developing their social media network. We have found through experience that Google does drive more traffic to the website as opposed to Facebook, or other social media accounts. The advantage of using Google advertising solutions directly is that the client can control how...

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